Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response to a rebel yell's post on body modifications

Interesting summary on body modifications especially on the extreme measures certain people take to unusually look different. The pictures look as though they have been taken from freak show.


“Help! Somebody stop that thief!” Those are the words that would usually associate with stealing. We all know in the right human mind that stealing is a NO NO as it is obviously a crime but also immorally wrong. People choose to steal if they are suffering from struggles financially which in most cases lead to bank robberies. Although, lack of incoming money could be the common cause for why such thiefs resort to being so low in person but also to integrate within society and is an act of choosing to steal to build a reputation. In fairness, it does sound stupid to build a reputation through stealing but people are capable of anything once they are pushed to a certain boundary.

Monday 3 May 2010

Why Lie? Just Tell The Truth

Such lies like “Sorry, I have no idea” and “I never did it!” are all commonly used. However, lying is preferred when the truth is not appropriate. Most people lie no matter how young or how old he/she is, lying is considered to be a sin in most beliefs. Lies are spread most of the time to avoid most things we as people do not want to go through. Although lies are not usually harmful such as when we lie to protect others from being hurt. Inspite, lies can be used to gain advantage over certain norms such as lying for the better. Therefore, it is believed that lies are contributed with low self esteem and is considered to be indecent especially when the truth is needed most.

Response to Herj's Post on Infedility

MY response to:

Good idea Herj, Tiger Woods seems to be the butt of every joke nowadays. However, interesting idea on how people shouldn't cheat although humans will always be humans once an opportunity arrives.

Saturday 1 May 2010

How high? "High enough to kiss the sky!!!

LSD, Speed, Ecstasy, Crack, Cocaine are all certain forms of drugs but cannabis is probably the only type of drug where people assume it’s alright maybe not so good but not so bad. Whilst it’s now been upgraded to Class B, still don’t change the fact that it's the most common drug within the inner cities. It’s fair to say that cannabis is everywhere, well not exactly everywhere but most places is easier to find maybe due to most people being dependent on the drug. There are many names for cannabis such as weed, skunk, hash, ganja or even herbs. It’s been agreed by most people I have spoken to that cannabis makes life a little less stressful maybe because they are high and the drug helps take the mind of the reality. However, the effects derive different moods to different people such as late night munchies, laziness, outburst of laughter and an occasional tantrum that help form paranoia but please talk to Frank at this stage!


In spite of smoking being well documented for its bad purpose globally, cigarette smoking provides a means for socialising. It’s been highly sought to relieve stress, depression, and also anxiety. Besides the pleasures of smoking there are different types of smokers; those who smoke freely, those who smoke to integrate with society and also those who smoke secretively. However, smokers enjoy smoking as whole but a cigarette after dinner is apparently the most divine. Although, socially smoking is used to meet other smokers but, it’s been widespread that smoking has been used for seduction.